When you are considering a divorce, it is extremely important to have a top divorce lawyer in Chicago who can work on your case and advocate for your rights during every step of the process. Divorces can be difficult, both legally and emotionally. You should have an experienced advisor on your side to assist with all financial aspects of your divorce, as well as any matters involving the allocation of responsibilities. At Arami Law, Inc., we have years of experience serving clients in Chicago with a variety of divorce and family law issues. A top divorce lawyer in Chicago at our firm can get started on your divorce case today.
In order to be eligible for divorce in Chicago, most couples must meet the following requirements:
Live separate and apart from your spouse for six months or more; and
Parties are no longer required to prove fault. To be clear, under the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act (IMDMA), which governs most matters pertaining to divorce in Chicago, Illinois is now a “no-fault” state for divorce purposes. Accordingly, in order to be eligible for a divorce, you will only need to show that there are irreconcilable differences between you and your partner that prevent the marriage from continuing. Then, the court must determine that no future attempts at reconciliation will be successful or in anyone’s best interests.
How do you prove irreconcilable differences? In short, Illinois law says that there is an “irrebuttable presumption” that this requirement has been met when two spouses live separate and apart for at least six months. As such, for most couples, to be eligible for divorce in Chicago, you must live apart from your partner for six months or more, and one of you must be living in Illinois for at least 90 days before the petition for the dissolution of marriage gets filed.
The length of a Chicago divorce can vary depending upon a number of factors, including whether you expect to have an uncontested or contested divorce, as well as the complexity of the case.
An uncontested divorce is one in which the parties have reached an agreement about every single aspect of the divorce — property division, spousal support, the allocation of parental responsibilities, child support, and any other matter. As soon as the parties cannot come to an agreement about even a single issue (although they have reached an agreement about all other matters), they will have a contested divorce. Contested divorces take longer than uncontested divorces. Within a contested divorce, the length of time will vary depending upon the complexity of your divorce case. High asset divorces and those with minor children often are among the more complicated proceedings. A top divorce attorney in Chicago can say more.
If you need assistance with your divorce, you should get in touch with a top Chicago divorce attorney as soon as possible. Contact Arami Law, Inc. today for more information and to get started on your divorce.
We are here to help you succeed and protect what you value most.