A couple living in Logan Square may choose to dissolve their marriage by filing for divorce for a number of reasons. Regardless of the cause, however, all couples must follow the same process for filing for divorce in Illinois, and will face myriad different legal issues throughout the divorce process. If you are considering filing for divorce in Illinois, our talented Logan Square divorce lawyers at Arami Law can help you to understand divorce laws and advocate for you.
When Can I File for Divorce in Illinois?
In Illinois, you may file for divorce if “irreconcilable differences have caused the irretrievable breakdown of the marriage” and you and your spouse have lived separate and apart for a continuous period of not less than six months (750 ILC 5/401). You must be a resident of Illinois in order to file for divorce within Logan Square.
Common Legal Issues in a Divorce
Assuming that you and your spouse are both in agreement about the dissolution of marriage and the divorce is not contested, the next step will be resolving some common legal issues in divorce. Some of the most common issues that parties to a divorce must make a determination about include:
Do I Need a Logan Square Divorce Attorney?
Many people believe that they can file for a divorce and navigate through the process of resolving the legal issues above on their own. And in some cases, this is absolutely the case – when couples have a strong relationship and are divorcing on amicable terms, legal counsel may not be necessary. In the vast majority of cases, however, an attorney is necessary for explanation of divorce and other family laws, drafting of agreements, advice and counsel, and representation during hearings.
At Arami Law, our experienced Logan Square divorce attorneys has been helping families in Logan Square and surrounding areas for more than a decade. If you are in need of legal representation that you can trust, contact our offices today for a consultation.
We are here to help you succeed and protect what you value most.