One of the most stressful things in life is going through a divorce, even if the divorce is mutual and both parties agree that separation is the best path.
Divorce is taxing for a number of reasons: First, it’s a legal process, and one which requires filing numerous documents, understanding Illinois’ divorce laws, and attending mediations and court proceedings. Second, it’s emotional, and can place a drain on your energy and leave you feeling exhausted and depressed.
At the Arami Law, we are more than just legal professionals who can provide you with competence assisting in navigating the divorce process; we are also people who care about what you’re going through and know how much is on the line. We work hard to protect your best interests in divorce, skillfully guiding you through:
We can also help you with other common concerns that may arise during a divorce, such as establishing paternity if you and your spouse were not married at the time of your child’s birth or you never signed a voluntary acknowledgement of paternity form.
While you are not required to be represented by an attorney during a divorce, trying to navigate the process on your own is not advised. Without an understanding of Illinois’ divorce laws and what your rights are throughout the process, such as how property may be divided or what your rights are regarding parenting time with your child, you may end up with a divorce settlement that is not within your best interest. Once an order is made by the court – such as how much you owe in alimony – modifying it is very difficult and is an entirely separate legal process. Getting things right the first time is always best.
An attorney can do more than just help you to understand your options, though; an attorney can represent you in negotiations or mediations, too, helping you and your spouse determine the terms of a divorce without court intervention. If your case does go to court, an attorney will be responsible for collecting and presenting evidence in your favor.
No one wants to think about divorce. But when saying goodbye to your spouse is inevitable, you can at least take comfort in the fact that an experienced attorney will be representing you throughout the process.
To schedule a consultation with our talented Illinois divorce attorney, use our online form to write us a message, or call our offices today. We always work with your best interests in mind.
We are here to help you succeed and protect what you value most.