Alimony (or spousal maintenance) can play an important role in your post-divorce financial situation. If you have no idea if you are entitled to spousal maintenance (or its amount and duration – if you are), you are not alone. In fact, spousal maintenance issues tend to be very complicated, and you are well-advised to have an experienced Illinois divorce attorney in your corner.
In the meantime, our basic spousal maintenance calculator can help you gain a better understanding of how spousal maintenance is awarded and what it might mean for you. Please remember these are very rough estimates, and it is highly advised that you discuss your unique situation with an experienced family law attorney for a more accurate estimate.
Please remember these are estimates only, and the amounts shown are based on your inputs alone and do not include the financial impact of dividing assets or debts. This calculator is intended only to give a general idea of spousal maintenance calculations.
* Required
The fact is that whether or not your divorce will involve spousal maintenance depends on wide-ranging factors that include the court’s discretion to consider anything it deems relevant to your situation. In other words, there is no way to know with certainty ahead of time if you will receive spousal maintenance and, if so, its amount and duration.
This said, however, our spousal maintenance estimation calculator can help you get a better idea about where you stand, and your dedicated divorce attorney will employ his or her considerable experience to help advocate for what is in the best interests of you and your family. Ultimately, spousal maintenance calculations are both complicated and highly specific.
In determining whether spousal maintenance will be awarded and, if so, its duration and amount, the State of Illinois factors in all of the following variables:
These variables are plugged into a calculation formula, but this is far from the end of the story.
From here, the court will look at any additional factors that it deems relevant to the award of spousal maintenance in your situation, including:
It’s a lot, but if you are entitled to spousal maintenance, it’s a financial concern that’s too significant to ignore.
The formidable Illinois divorce attorneys at Arami Family Law understand the serious nature of your spousal maintenance concerns and are both well-prepared and well-positioned to help guide you on the path forward. To learn more about what we can do to help you, please don’t hesitate to contact us today.
We are here to help you succeed and protect what you value most.