No married couple thinks their relationship will end in divorce, but the truth is that marriage is very difficult. Being with someone for such a long time can be very difficult. People change, personalities and goals change.
When people are no longer happy in their marriage, divorce is typically the best option. But many people delay it or avoid it altogether. They are scared. They are struggling financially.
Divorces can be complicated. Do not handle yours on your own. A Des Plaines divorce attorney from Arami Law, Inc. can help.
To get divorced in Illinois, the main requirement is that you or your spouse must have been a resident of the state for six months or longer. You can then file at the court of the county where one of you lives. You do not need to prove fault. You can simply file as irreconcilable differences.
Some people think the divorce process is easy and try to file forms on their own. However, things can get complicated very quickly. Your first step should be to consult a top divorce attorney in Des Plaines.
Illinois is an equitable division state, which means that marital property and debts are not necessarily split 50/50. Instead, property may be divided equitably, with a 60/40, 70/30, or other split. There are various factors involved, including the duration of the marriage, each party’s contributions, any legal agreements in place (such as prenuptial or postnuptial agreements), the value of the property, taxes, and future income.
If you have children, you will need to determine various elements, such as where the child will live and who will make important decisions. Illinois refers to child custody as parental responsibilities. Parents must agree to a parenting plan that includes all the pertinent details. Ideally, both parents will work together to come to an agreement. If they cannot cooperate, then they will have to accept a court’s ruling.
Alimony is not a requirement in Illinois. However, either spouse can request financial support from the other during a divorce. The court will not automatically approve the request, though. The petitioning spouse must prove that they have a need for financial assistance during or after the divorce.
Alimony may not be approved if one person makes more than the other. If both spouses are self-supporting, the request may be denied as long as the spouses are able to maintain the same standard of living after the divorce.
Divorce encompasses many elements and can be very complex. The action can take six months, one year, or longer to finalize. Make sure you have the right legal help on your side so you can get the best outcome possible.
The experienced attorneys at Arami Law, Inc. can help you understand your legal rights in a divorce. To schedule a consultation, call the office or fill out the online form.
We are here to help you succeed and protect what you value most.